Dewey for Australian fiction

Australian authors
Correct:- N A823.3 (1945-1999) or N A823.4 (in 2000s)
OCLC records have the Dewey 823.914. Do not use this
Incorrect:- N A 823.914

English authors writing fiction about Australia
Correct:-N 823.914
Incorrect:- N A 823.4 and YY 823.914

English authors published in Australia
Correct:- N 823.914
Incorrect:- N A 823.4 and YY 823.914

Voyager ending punctuation

Add a fullstop:-

245 250

Add a fullstop unless there is a closing ) or other punctuation:-

100 110 111 130
600 610 611 630 650 651
700 710 711 730
800 810 811 830

No fullstop:-

020 037 040 041 043 082
240 246 263
440 490

655 etc - Subject Access Fields

Remove any French Canadian headings. Do not remove juvenile LCSH, MeSH or other local headings.

If a record only contains juvenile LCSH, MeSH or other local headings, add LCSH heading/s as appropriate.

Remove non English subject headings eg from OCLC records

650 0 7 ‡a Auslandskorrespondent ‡2 swd

650 0 7 ‡a Berichterstattung ‡2 swd

651 # 7 ‡a Deutschland ‡2 swd

655 # 7 ‡a Aufsatzsammlung ‡2 swd

Copy Cataloguing

"National Library of Australia Cataloguing Guidelines" -- for creation & updating of bib records. Can be viewed at:-

G:\DIV1\_Division\Copy Cataloguing Review 2008

As of 20/11/2008-This will eventually be added to DIV1 DOCUEMENT INDEX (see USEFUL PLACES)

Several other interesting documents are als kept here

Cutter the NLA way

4.1.2. Initials, Abbreviations, and Acronyms in Cuttering

Cuttering follows the ALA Filing Rules (1980 ed.), which is basically word-by-word filing. Initials, abbreviations, and acronyms are filed as words with U.S. and Gt. Brit. as two exceptions.

EXAMPLES: U.S. Cutter for United States

WHO Cutter for WHO

Gt. Brit. Cutter for Great

St. Cutter for St

Ste. Cutter for Ste

Mc Cutter for Mc (not Mac)
NLA Mc cuttered as Mac
In our Cutter - no Mc

MEDLARS Cutter for Medlars

Dr. Cutter for Dr

IVth Cutter for IVth

T cells
Cutter for T
van d etc cuttered under vand