Working copy end processing

If the working copy is going to be the only copy of the publication held by the library, then the catalogue and holding record should both be suppressed from the OPAC. Do not tick OK to Export.

If the working copy will be in addition to other copies held by the library , it will be suppressed at the holding level.

Holding screen

852 8 # $b WC

866 # 0 $x Working copy for [section/position name]

Item screen

The item must be barcoded.
Item record coded NFL
Enum : WC pbk (section/position name)

On the book

No spine label is needed.
Inside the back cover write in pencil: Working copy for [section/position name]
Stamp the item with the library stamp.
Accession details written on the contents page.
WC, xxxxxxxxx
The item is then hand delivered.

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